I am a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor (RTC), Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP - Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute), Psychedlic Somatic Interactional Psychotherapist - PSIP and BBTRS Breath Therapy Practitioner. My private practice includes working with trauma, including early developmental (pre-verbal periods).
I share my passion to serve the inner potential through facilitating groups and working privately with clients. My body based therapy practice integrates Trauma Healing (Somatic Experiencing), Hakomi (a body centered system of psychotherapy), and Relational Somatic Therapy. I am a student of The Ridhwan School - Diamond Approach and I take part in facilitating a weekly men's group in Vancouver.
In my free time I still enjoys playing hockey, drumming and spending time with my wife and extended family.
Additional education & trainings:
-Advanced SE Training: Eye of the Needle ~ Working With Anesthesia & Near --Death Experiences with Dr. Peter A. Levine
-Advanced SE Training: Syndromes ~ Working With the Somatic Side of Trauma with Dr. Peter A. Levine.
-Somatic Experiencing International - SEI, training organizer and student session provider for all levels.
-PSIP - Psychedlic, Somatic, Interactional, Psychotherapy Practitioner
-Biodynamic Breath and Trauma Release Practitioner and faculty member.
-Hakomi Method: Mindfulness Centered Somatic Psychotherapy (220 hours)
-Somatic Resilience and Regulation® Early Development Trauma (92 hours)
-Compassionate Inquiry - Dr. Gabor Mate.
-VSNT - Narrative Therapy foundations training.
This is a practice to help support the health of your nervous system and bring about a greater sense of ease and relaxation.