My experience working with Neil has been incredibly rewarding. When I first came to Neil I was struggling with high anxiety and panic attacks. My daily life and work was difficult, chaotic and I was in fight-flight-freeze response most of the time. I felt powerless and hopeless.
Neil is professional, compassionate and provides a safe, non-judgemental space for healing. Neil has gently guided and supported me to connect with my suppressed feelings and traumas. The somatic experience and breath work sessions were powerful and transformative.
I don't experience any panic attacks anymore and I feel more calm, grounded, peaceful and stronger from within. My anxiety is decreased and I am more focused and able to set healthy boundaries. I have more understanding and clarity what I want and need in my life.
I feel joy and excitement in my life again.
Thank you Neil, for your awesome guidance and support !
TW, Massage Therapist
Neil creates a very trustworthy and safe container for healing. I so appreciate and trust his warm and grounded presence. He brings skillful somatic support that has allowed me to work with very vulnerable emotional places in a way that I have felt safely held and seen. He is deeply committed to the work of true healing and I highly recommend him.
LR, 44, PHD Student
I’ve worked with Neil for several months to address a combination of stress, early trauma and attachment related issues. From the beginning I appreciated his steady presence that has sustained through my emotional ups and downs. He has a wide range of somatic and other approaches and uses these both creatively and effectively. All approaches are treated as a possibility or invitation and nothing is pressured. It really feels like we are co-creating the therapeutic session and I am happy with the new tools I have been shown, as well as having a deeper understanding and ability to respond to my challenges from a body-centred standpoint.
TW, 50, Concurrent Disorder Counsellor
The planet is in crisis, ecologically, spiritually, socially, politically. What does this have to do with counselling? Everything! It's easy to get discouraged, to burn out, succumb to apathy, feel overwhelmed - all of this is where I was about six months ago when I first came to see Neil after the end of a relationship that affected my work and sense of self. I broke down and cried, and cried and cried for almost twenty minutes - huge sobs and just when it felt like I was done, I started again. He never stopped me and never judged me once. If it wasn't for the space he held for me to break down and break open, I would have had greater difficulty with healing some deep wounds and continuing down the path of deeper self discovery and self love. While I do engage in other healing and personal work, and Neil's support through this part of the journey has been crucial in sorting through, coming to peace with and resolving pain and trauma. We need to each heal and develop greater compassion for ourselves so we can slowly start to heal our relationships. It starts with me, I can't control or affect the larger crises but I can start to repair my relationship with myself and those closest to me and hopefully this creates a ripple effect.... Thank you Neil for the strong yet gentle space you hold!
RV, 44, Manual Therapy Practitioner
I can highly recommend doing a private medicine ceremony with Neil. Throughout my experience he held a beautiful, safe, sacred container. He was attuned to my process, supporting me when I needed it and also gave me space. I have experienced extensive trauma and with Neil's experience and depth in working with trauma I felt very held, seen, supported, safe and most of all I have a deep trust in his wisdom, intuition and professional training. Thank you so much Neil
SZ, 48, Therapist
"Neil brings a steady, calm presence that holds a very safe container for journeying. The structure of the ceremony was evocative, simple and just right. His songs and voice add a richness far beyond a playlist. Neil came as himself and met us as a human soul. His confidence and kindness allowed us to sink into our process without having to worry about anything else."
TH, 62 , Photographer, BC 48, Nurse